Pie in the Sky is a Bakery located at Total filling station, Café Bonjour Intersection of Khy-e-Muhafiz and, Khayaban-e-Shujaat, Phase 6 Defence Housing Authority, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh 75500, Pakistan, and having a phone number 0 21 35296956, visiting hours are Tuesday: 7:30 AM-10 PM | Wednesday: 7:30 AM-10 PM | Thursday: 7:30 AM-10 PM | Friday: 7:30 AM-10 PM | Saturday: 7:30 AM-10 PM | Sunday: 7:30 AM-10 PM | Monday: 7:30 AM-10 PM
*Shadi Guider is not in any way affiliated with this business.